Monday - Friday


20 Centre Ave
Secaucus, NJ 07094

Secaucus has a vibrant community garden program; all are free and open to all Secaucus residents through an application process. All community gardens are exclusively organic, using no pesticides, chemical fertilizers, or sprinkler systems. Residents plant vegetables, herbs and flowers in their gardens.

Community Garden Locations

  • Fountain Park - Located at the corner of Humboldt Street and Raydol Avenue
  • Xchange - Located next to the Secaucus Xchange, in Laurel Hill County Park
  • Maple Street Community Garden - Located on Maple Street, next to the Crossover Walkway
  • Mill Ridge Community Garden - Located behind the Mill Ridge School
  • Imagine Community Garden - Located at 44 Meadowlands Parkway (between Krauser’s and Union Beer)

Membership Responsibilities and Rules

  1. I am 18 years old or over and a current resident of the Town of Secaucus. 
  2. I understand that only one garden plot per season may be registered for my household.
    1. This is a new policy to be fair and allow all residents who wish to join the program to have the opportunity to do so in a timely manner (e.g. 1 or 2 seasons on the waitlist). Therefore, I understand additional plots will not be assigned to anyone living in my household or in the name of any extended family members/friends not living in Secaucus. 
  3. I will leave my name tag in my plot, as these tags are property of the Town of Secaucus and placed by the Secaucus Environmental Department only.
  4. If I must abandon my plot for any reason, or if I can no longer care for my plot, I will notify the Environmental Department. I cannot self-assign it to another person.
  5. If I do not respond with confirmation to the Environmental Department within two weeks of the official “End of Season Plot Renewal Notice,” I understand that my plot will be forfeited to the next gardener on the waitlist.

Growing Season

Official garden season is from May 15th through November 30th. At the end of the growing season, gardeners are responsible for clearing their plot of all plant material and leaving the plot as they found it in the spring.

accessible garden beds flyer. Click to open an OCR scanned PDF version in a new tab.

Returning Gardeners

Gardeners will receive an email at the end of the growing season with instructions for plot assignment renewal.* If a plot opens, residents registered on the waitlist will be contacted to fill the vacancy.

*At the discretion of the Environmental Department, forfeitures of plots may occur if Garden Guidelines are violated.

Show Us Your Garden!

Every year, we encourage our residents to send us pictures of their flowers and gardens which we feature on the town website and the town TV Channel 36. Email your favorite pictures to at